Our bestselling jigsaw puzzles
Our Vision & Our USP
Mental Gymnastics for fun & focus!
Visual Perception
The occipital lobe panels, visual processing, recognising patterns, lines and colours and helps with depth perception and spatial awareness
Constructional Praxis
The Parietal lobe integrates visual and motor data, aiding Jigsaw Puzzles by aligning and joining pieces to form a unified image.
Cognitive Flexibility
Solving puzzles improves attention switching, sharpens pattern recognition, and enhances adaptability to new challenges.
Perceptual Reasoning
Solving puzzles activates frontal and parietal lobes, enhancing cognitive function through strategic integration and solution planning.
Mental Rotation
Jigsaw puzzle solving boosts, mental dexterity through rotating and trying different piece orientations to find the right fit
Working & Episodic Memory
When solving a jigsaw puzzle, one creates a link between space and visual patterns using their working and long-term memory
Visual Scanning
Sorting puzzle pieces sharpens observation, engages the frontal lobe, and activates all brain lobes with ambidextrous movement.
9100 jigsaw pieces need to be connected for clinically relevant cognitive gains and at least thirty minutes of jigsaw solving every day